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On an incident at Chess.

Exulting, o'er the chequer'd land
I led to war my sable band,
Where firmly ranged in close array
Thy snow-clad legions urged their way:
Untimely on th' embattled plain
I saw my valiant leader slain,
Untimely mourn'd a slaughter'd host,
Tho' bent victorious wreaths to boast.
How oft my scatter'd ranks between
Resistless march'd the white-arm'd Queen—
No phalanx check'd her rash career,
Each sable warriour shrunk with fear:
Till proud to shield his monarch's life,
Or perish in the glorious strife;


Before the Queen's unguarded crown
My turret spread a baleful frown:
The scepter'd Nymph her state maintain'd,
When nought but swift retreat remain'd,
Defenceless stood, delay'd her flight,
And sunk beneath the turret's might.
When grief disturb'd thy pensive mien
When angry accents mourn'd the Queen:
(Misdeeming all my valour won
By swift surprise alone undone)
Reluctant to the chequer'd board
My lingering hand the chief restored:
But e'er my foe resum'd her ground
Insulting triumph breathed a sound.
Shock'd at the rude triumphant strain,
Resentment roused thee to complain:
From eyes that once serenely beam'd,
Indignant flashes wildly stream'd;
That placid form in anger rose,
Nor deign'd the doubtful fight to close.


Confusion trembled thro' my frame,
My bosom glow'd with conscious shame.
New courage rose! ah, then, no more
His rashness could the bard deplore;
For, lovely mid thy soul's alarm,
Disdain had heighten'd every charm.
The rising blush expressive spread
O'er all thy cheek delicious red,
And sparkling glances fiercely bright
On every feature beam'd delight.
Such lustre glowing looks impart,
So well reveal a feeling heart;
That while I pour this artless rhime,
I languish to repeat my crime!