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The Poems and Miscellaneous Compositions of Paul Whitehead

With Explanatory Notes on his Writings, and His life written by Captain Edward Thompson. With a Head of the Author, From a Painting by Mr. Gainsborough

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Diana, hunting on a day,
Beheld where Cupid sleeping lay,
His Quiver by his head:
One of his Darts she stole away,
And one of her's did close convey
Into the other's stead.
When next the Archer through the grove,
In search of prey, did wanton rove,
Aurelia fair he 'spy'd;
Aurelia, who to Damon's pray'r
Disdain'd to lend a tender ear,
And Cupid's pow'r defy'd.


Soon as he ey'd the rebel Maid;
“Now know my pow'r!” enrag'd, he said;
Then levell'd at her heart:
Full to the head the shaft he drew;
But harmless to her breast it flew,
For, lo!—'twas Dian's Dart.
Exulting, then the Fair-one cry'd,
“Fond Urchin, lay your Bow aside;
“Your Quiver be unbound:
“Would you Aurelia's heart subdue,
“Thy play-thing Arrows ne'er will do;
“Bid Damon give the wound.