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Poems on Several Occasions

With some Select Essays in Prose. In Two Volumes. By John Hughes; Adorn'd with Sculptures

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On the Friendship of Phoebe and Asteria; And the Sickness of the Former.
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On the Friendship of Phoebe and Asteria; And the Sickness of the Former.

An Altar raise to Friendship's holy Flame,
Inscrib'd with Phœbe's and Asteria's Name!
Around it, mingled in a solemn Band,
Let Phœbe's Lovers, and Asteria's stand,
With fervent Vows t'attend the Sacrifice;
While rich Perfumes from melted Gums arise,
To bribe for Phœbe's Health the partial Skies.
Forbid it, Love, that sickly Blasts consume
The Flow'r of Beauty in its tender Bloom!


Shall She so soon to her own Heav'n retire,
Who gave so oft, yet never felt thy Fire?
Who late at splendid Feasts so Graceful shone,
By pleasing Smiles and numerous Conquests known;
Where 'midst the brightest Nymphs, She bore the Prize
From all—from all but her Asteria's Eyes.
Behold the Maid, who then Secure repell'd
The Shafts of Love, by fainting Sickness quell'd!
(As Beauty's Goddess once a Wound sustain'd,
Not from her Son, but from a Mortal's Hand)
Asteria too forgets her sprightly Charms,
And drooping lies within her Phœbe's Arms.
Thus in Romantick Histories we read
Of Tournaments by some great Prince decreed,
Where Two Companion-Knights their Lances wield
With matchless Force, and win, from All, the Field;
'Till One, o'erheated in the Course, retires,
And feels within his Veins a Fever's Fires;
His grieving Friend his Laurels throws away,
And mourns the dear-bought Triumphs of the Day.
So strict's the Union of this tender Pair,
What Heav'n decrees for One, they Both must share.
Like meeting Rivers, in One Stream they flow,
And no divided Joys or Sorrows know.
Not the bright Twins, prefer'd in Heav'n to shine,
Fair Leda's Sons, in such a League cou'd join.


One Soul, as Fables tell, by turns supply'd
That Heav'nly Pair, by turns they liv'd and dy'd.
But these have sworn a matchless Sympathy,
They'll live together, or together die.
When Heav'n did at Asteria's Birth bestow
Those Lavish Charms, with which She wounds us so,
To form her Glorious Mind, it did inspire
A Double Portion of th'Ætherial Fire,
That Half might afterward be thence convey'd,
To animate that other Lovely Maid.
Thus Native Instinct does their Hearts combine,
In Knots too close for Fortune to untwine.
So India boasts a Tree, that spreads around
Its am'rous Boughs, which bending reach the Ground,
Where taking Root again, the Branches raise
A Second Tree to meet its fond Embrace;
Then Side by Side the friendly Neighbours thrive,
Fed by one Sap, and in each other live.
Of Phœbe's Health we need not send to know
How Nature strives with her invading Foe,
What Symptoms good or ill each Day arise;
We read those Changes in Asteria's Eyes.
Thus in some Crystal Fountain you may spy
The Face of Heav'n, and the reflected Sky,
See what black Clouds arise, when Tempests low'r,
And gath'ring Mists portend a falling Show'r,


And when the Sun breaks out, with conqu'ring Ray
To chase the Darkness, and restore the Day.
Such be thy Fate, bright Maid! from this Decline
Arise renew'd in Charms, and doubly shine!
And as that dawning Planet was addrest
With Offer'd Incense by th'adoring East,
So We'll with Songs thy glad Recov'ry greet,
The Muse shall lay her Presents at thy Feet;
With open Arms, Asteria shall receive
The dearest Pledge propitious Heav'n can give.
Fann'd by these Winds, your Friendship's gen'rous Fire
Shall burn more bright, and to such Heights aspire,
The wond'ring World shall think you from Above
Come down to teach how Happy Angels love.


Castor and Pollux.