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THE Portugal-Expedition. February 1703–1704.

On King Charles the Third's Voyage to recover the Dominions of Spain, usurp'd by the Duke of Anjou.

At length Auspicious Blasts are heard to blow
From Icy Lakes, and Mountains cloath'd with Snow.
Go, Austrian Hope, with this propitious Gale,
And loosen to the Wind thy swelling Sail.
The rugged North, pleas'd with the great Design,
Pays this to Anna's Wishes, and to Thine.


So has he chang'd his rough, uncourtly Mien,
Bows to the Hero, and obeys the Queen.
Tho' once unkind, he drove the fierce Alane,
And hardy Suevian from a colder Plain:
Tho' with a bleaker Breath he could displace
The Goth and Vandal, an unletter'd Race:
Force them, like hungry Beasts of Prey; to run,
And change their Climate for a warmer Sun.
Rome felt them, and Iberia was alarm'd,
Her Heat invited, and her Riches charm'd.
Yet now, relenting, he restores to Spain
Saturnian Times, and a true Golden Reign.
Think not, Hesperian, that the Sea can bear
A Burden fatal to the Grand Affair.
No: England thy Armada can forgive,
Nor sends her Own to Conquer, but Relieve.


Peru is worthless to a Prize so great,
And all thy Indies less than such a Weight.
Breath gently, Boreas, nor too brisk ingage;
Call the soft Eastern Wind to calm thy Rage.
Come, Eurus, nor in spicy Groves retreat,
Blow all thy balmy Briezes on the Fleet.
Neglect Arabian Forrests, nor refuse
When Anna's Breath inspires, thy own to use.
Sail, Happy Prince, to that expecting Strand
Where wealthy Tagus rowls his golden Sand.
Ah! whither gone? What God inflames thy Mind
Thus to attempt the Deep, and trust the Wind?
Here watry Mountains, never seen before,
Hang o'er thy Sacred Head, there Billows roar.
Dost thou nor Sands, nor Rocks, nor Tempests fear?
Whence so great Courage, when such Danger's near?


Canst thou undaunted look, when ev'ry Wave
With gaping Mouth presents thee with a Grave?
Yes, nor let thy Imperial Father pause,
When Anna to Her Side His Eagle draws,
And lends the Thunder to support the Cause.
From the French Continent let Tyrants rise;
Let Earth breed Titans to invade the Skies:
And, to dislodge the Gods, usurp a Claim
To the fork'd Lightning, and avenging Flame.
Defer thy Triumphs, Gaul, withold thy Boast,
Nor think with windy Threats to fright our Coast.
Britain shall thy false Thunderer remove,
Prepar'd, like Crete, to give the Rightful Jove.