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The Twickenham Hotch-Potch

For the Use of the Rev. Dr. Swift, Alexander Pope, Esq.; and Company. Being a sequel to the Beggars Opera, &c. Containing, I. The State of Poetry, and Fate of Poets, in the Reign of King Charles IId. II. Seriousities and Comicalities, by Peter Henning, a Dutchman. III. Two Dozen of Infallible Maxims, for Court and City. IV. The Present War among Authors, viz. Swift, Pope, Theobald, Rolli, Voltaire, Parson B---dy, and Mr. Ozell. V. The Rival Actresses, viz. Mrs. O---d, Mrs. P---r, Mrs. B---h, Miss Y---ger and Miss Polly Peachum. VI. A Poetical Catalogue of Polly Peachum's Gallants. VII. An Epistle from Signora F---na to a Lady. VIII. A True Copy of Polly Peachum's Opera. Also, her Panegyrick. Written by Caleb D'Anvers [i.e. Nicholas Amhurst]

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IX. O the Broom, &c.


IX. O the Broom, &c.

If you'd an honest Man be deem'd,
In the Affairs of State;
Take Care you're not too well esteem'd,
By Both the High and Great:
Such as---and his Crew,
For if once you are hedg'd in;
They'll teach you how to cheat in Lew,
Of some of their own Kind.
Therefore beware, lest you are caught
In Cases of that Kind:
If are you be, your Head comes off,
Which Trifle they don't mind.
So if my Argument prevails,
And gives you an Insight
Into the Merits of these Fools,
Laugh at their foolish Bite.