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or, Loyal Poems. By Tho. Shipman

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The Vertues of CANARY.
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The Vertues of CANARY.

Tune Isaac's Balls.

To Mr. G. H.
Sack will make a Coward Fight,
And his Humour vary;
It will infuse a Nobler Sp'rite,
Than great Hector's did carry:
Nay it so will play its part,
He had rather spill a Quart
Of Blood, than of Canary.
Sack makes the daring Seaman wise,
And resolute as Phocion;


Not all the Artillery of the Skies,
Can make him alter his brave motion;
Tho' Tempests rage, and Thunder crack,
Let him be drowned first in Sack,
And a Fico for the Ocean.
If you would have a Doctor wise,
Bestow on him a Pottle.
All Wisdom in the Bottom lies,
No Helicon unto the Bottle.
And when he can pour down no more,
He will upon his Knees adore
Bacchus, above Aristotle.
Sack can make an Alderman wise,
And venture at a Ditty:
'Twill make a Beggar's thoughts to rise
Let his shirt be ne'r so Nitty.
It can make sweet the crabbed face
Of Sergeants, and controul their Mace,
And melt the Rogues to pitty.
If one have but a spark of Wit,
Sack will quickly show it;
And in troth I think it fit,
By my example you should know it;
For, as once my Lord Gray said,
I this fine new-sing-song made,
But Sack made me the Poet.