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Spiritual Songs, or, Songs of Praise to Almighty God Upon several Occasions

Together with The Song of Songs Which is Solomons. First Turn'd, then Paraphrased in English Verse. The Second Edition, Corrected, with an Addition of a Sacred Poem on Dives and Lazarus [by John Mason]

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XXIII. A Song of Praise for Peace of Conscience.


My God, my reconciled God,
Creator of my Peace,
Thee will I Love, and praise, and Sing,
Till Life and Breath shall Cease,
My thoughts did Rage, my Soul was tost
'Twas like a troubled Sea.
But what a Mighty Voice is this
Which winds and waves Obey?


God spake the word, Peace and be still,
My Sins, those Mutineers
With speed went off and took their flight
Where now are all my fears?
The World can neither give nor take,
Nor yet can understand
That Peace of God, which Christ hath bought,
And gives me with his Hand.


This is my Saviours Legacie,
Confirm'd by his decease;


Ye shall have trouble in the World,
In Me ye shall have Peace.
And so it is; The World doth Rage,
But Peace in Me doth Reign.
And whilest my God maintains the Fort,
Their Batt'ries are in vain.


The burning Bush was not Consum'd,
Whilest God remained there:
The Three, when Christ did make the Fourth,
Found Fire as meek as Air.
So is my Mem'ry stuff'd with Sins,
Enough to make an Hell;
And yet my Conscience is not Scorch'd,
For God in Me doth dwell.


Where God doth dwell, sure Heav'n is there,
And Singing there must be.
Since, Lord, thy Presence makes my Heav'n
Whom should I Sing but Thee?
My God, my reconciled God,
Creator of my Peace,
Thee will I Love, and praise, and Sing,
Till Life and Breath shall Cease.