University of Virginia Library


At a Masque, to invite the Ladies to Dance.


Come come noble Nymphs & do not hide
The joys for which you so provide;
If not to mingle with us men,
What make you here? go home agen.
Your dressings do confess
By what we see, so curious parts of
Pallas, and Aracknes Arts,
That you could mean no less.


Why do you were the Silk-worms toyls?
Or glory in the Shel-fish spoils?
Or strive to shew the grains of Ore
That you have gathered long before?
Whereof to make a Stock
To graff the greener Emrauld on,
Or any better water'd Srone,
Or Ruby of the Rock.


Why do you smell of Amber-greece,
Whereof was formed Neptunes Neece,
The Queen of Love? unlesse you can
Like Sea-born-Venus, love a man?
Try, put your selves unto't:
Your Looks, and Smiles, and Thoughts that meet;
Ambrosian-hands, and Silver-feet,
Do promise you will do't.