University of Virginia Library


For answer, Mark what shall be said
In these reasons before you laid,


The Gospel is generally propounded:

Reason 1.

To th'elect, & reprobate: because confounded
They are, or

Mat. 13. 24.

mingled with each other, as

The weeds, & tares are with the corne & grasse,
Or as the dust, the chaffe with wheat is found,
Or as the stones are with the solid ground.
Now as the

Mat 15. 45.

raine doth oft-times fall upon

The tares, the weeds, and stones, as well as on
The wheat, the fertile soyle, the grasse;
Not 'cause it principally was
Intended to them, but for that
They're intermixed with the wheat,
So the Gospels pleasant showres fall upon
The reprobated, the rejected one,
(Whom holy Scripture doth compare
To rocks, to stones, to weeds, to tare,)
Not, no not to save, (as some sect
Do prate,) but 'cause with Gods elect
They're mixt, who are in Scripture found

Mat. 13.

to wheat, to mellow ground:

For whose effect all calling, it was meant
For whose change, conversion onely sent.

Reason 2.

Secondly, 'tis thus preached gen'rally,
Because Ministers know not infallibly


The reprobates from the elect,
If they could know, who would reject
The Gospel, they would then deny unto
Such to preach, but alas they know not who
Are chosen, loved, who are

2 Tim. 2. 19, 20, 21. Acts 1. 24, 25.


Nor who are reprobated, rejected,
Therefore it is they preach to all,
That so th'elected they may call.

Reason 3.

Thirdly, the Gospel's preached thus
To all, to ev'ry one of us:
Not to his chosen onely heavens heire,
That so no souls might grieve,

1 Tim. 2. 4. 1 Pet. 1. 13.

despōd, despair

Of Gods rich mercies, which they would,
If God, his elect number should
Select, pick out and separate
From th'wicked, or the reprobate,
And let his Word be preacht to none
But his elect to them alone.
Yea needs must then each reprobate
Despair, run in some desperate
Course or way, knowing so full well,
He is design'd and markt for hell:
But while the Gospel's preach'd to all,
It keeps the reprobates, they fall


Not into th'pit, the gulf despaire:
For Gospel-way's though dark are faire.

Reason 4.

Fourthly, 'tis preach't to all that so
God's love in Christ all men might know:
The more the Gospel's preacht, the more
Are wrought upon to love, adore
Their God, for every dispensation
Vouchsaf't, for 'lected mans salvation.

Reason 5.

Fifthly, b'cause 't is a

Gal. 6. 16.

rule to all, a square

To live thereby as holy Writ declare,
And requires the same obed'ence respect
From all, the reprobated, or elect:
Like Princes Laws that do command, exact
Respect from all, not to rebell in fact;
If the Gospel that is to all a law,
Should not be preacht to all, to order, awe
All mens spirits, the reprobated then
Would seem to be a kinde of lawlesse men,
Exempt from Gods command, set free
From the just Gospels penalty;
Which would not only blemish and obscure
The latitude of holy Writ, but sure
It would much likewise darken and deprive
The Gospels


Authour, of his prerog'tive,


To whom all men, as to a King, a head
Subjected are, as in his word

In Scripturâ sacrâ. Isa. 45, 23 Rom. 14. 10. Ephes. 1. 21, 22

I read.

Reason 6.

Rom. 9. 16.

Sixthly min'sters to all, the Gospel preach,

That so they may the world instruct and teach:
No soul whatever is converted, sav'd
By th'outward letter, or

1 Cor. 3. 5.

mans will deprav'd:

If so, all Gospel-hearers equally
Should be converted, sav'd thereby;
'Cause the disposit'on of one and all
Mankinde is just the same, since Adam's fall;
But some thus teach, salvat'on 's of none,
But in the free dispose of God alone,
Who worketh grace, how, where and when
He will, yet not within all men,
But whom he will, according to his grace
In divers manners, d'grees, in any place.

Reason 7.

Seventhly, to teach to fear, and tremble
At God alone, before whom men assemble,
And to wait on him, and wholly to depend
Upon his grace, which none can comprehend,
Since every

1 Cor. 4. 7.

Change in mens hearts indeed

Doth not from man, but God alone proceed.

Reason 8.

Eighthly, to teach Saints that have effectu'lly
Been call'd by th'Gospel, in it's ministry:


Not in themselves to glory, brag or boast,
Nor outward letter, but to th'Lord of Hoast
Alone to tender glory, laud, and praise
That hath vouchsafed them frō death to raise,
And hath not done to others, in their race
So much, though injoy the same word of grace.