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Psalm 67 Deus misereatur

God on us thy mercy show,
Make on us thy blessings flow:
Thy faces beames
From heav'n uppon us show'r
In shining streames:
That all may see
The way of thee,
And know thy saving pow'r.
God, the nations praise thee shall,
Thee, shall praise the nations all:
To mirth and joy
All such as earth possesse
Shall them employ:
For thou their guide
Go'st never wide
From truth and righteousnes.
God, the nations praise thee shall,
Thee, shall praise the nations all:
Then ev'ry field,
As far as earth hath end,
Rich fruites shall yield:
And God our God
With blisse shall load
Who of his blisse depend.
God, I say with plenteous blisse
To enrich us shall not misse:
And from the place
The father of the yeere
Begins his race,
To Zephyrs nest,
His races rest,
All lands his force shall feare.