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Trivial poems

and triolets. Written in obedience to Mrs Tomkin's commands, By Patrick Carey

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[Ned! she that likes thee now]


To the Tune of,—“Phillida flouts me.


Ned! she that likes thee now,
Next weeke will leaue thee!
Trust her not, though she uow
Ne'er to deceaue thee;
Just soe to Tom she swore,
Yet straight was ranging;


Thus shee'd serue forty more,
Still shee'l bee changing.
Last moneth I was the man;
See, if denye't she can;
Else aske Francke, Jone, or Nan:
Ned! fayth looke to itt.


Shee'l prayse thy uoyce, thy face;
Shee'l say, th'art witty;
Shee'l too cry up thy race,
Thy state shee'l pitty;
Shee'l sigh, and then accuse
Fortune of blindnesse:
This forme she still doth use,
When shee'd shew kindnesse.
Thoul't find (if thou but note)
That t'all she sings one note;
I'ue learn'd her arts by rote:
Ned! fayth looke to itt!


With scorne, as now on mee,
(Lesse may'st thou care for't!)
Ere long shee'l looke on thee,
Thy selfe prepare for't.
The next new face will cast
Thine out of fauour;
The winds change not soe aft,
As her thoughts wauer:
If them thou striu'st t'enchayne,
Thereby thou'lt onely gayne
Thy labour for thy payne:
Ned! fayth looke to itt!