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And first to begin with the Knights or Ladies High and Mighty Worships.

Note the Rare fabrick of his Worships Building,
Behold th'Illustrious Splendor of the Gilding,
View well the Columns, and the Buttresses,
Marke the faire Pompous Porches Glorious dresse,
The Pillars, and the Pillasters admire,
Looke how the pointed Pyramids aspire,
The Obeliskes, Corinthian carv'd work fine
Of purest Marble, Ieat, or Serpentine,
Of Alabaster, Tutch, or Porphiry,
Or of th'admired (mock-Jeat) Ebony;
From the Foundation to the Battlement
Most sumptuous, stately and magnificent.


His Worships Radient Hall, wood-linings pure,
Miter'd and Cipher'd, and Reval'd Immure:
His Marble Pavement Chequer'd black and white,
T'Amaze and Ravish the beholders sight;
His Worships faire Glasse-windowes, with his name
And Armes, (which shewes from what descents he came)
His Worship eats and sleepes, in Roomes, are hung
With costly Arras, and himselfe among
(I meane his Picture, if right understood)
Gentles Allyed, in Marriage, or in Blood;
See more, and take note what you see, at length
His Worships Altar's Crown'd with Glorious strength
Of Massie Plate; His Worships Tables hold
Large Purple Velvet Carpets, fring'd with Gold.
His Worships Spouse, and Issue; like a Rood
Of Glistring Images; his Worships food
Approaching, Be uncover'd, Stentor cries;
His Worships Waiters bow before him thrice,
With servile reverence, humbly stooping low,
They pay the duty they his Worship owe.
His Worships Chaplaine, twice, (with double grace)
In feare and trembling, takes and leaves his place,
And (having read his Chapter) still must say,
Thus ends your Worships Lesson for the day.
His Worships Lady (likewise mighty fine)
Adored is, as 'twere a Thing Divine;
Her Waiting-woman, and her Chamber-mayd
Is sude to, bow'd to, and implor'd and pray'd.
Knights Service thus, and Lady Worship, see
How odly, madly Gods and this agree.