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A Paraphrase on The Ten Commandments in Divine Poems

Illustrated With Twelve Copper Plates, shewing how Personal Punishments has been inflicted on the Transgressors of these Commandments, as is Recorded in the Holy Scripture. Never before Printed. Also, a Metrical Paraphrase upon the Creed and Lord's-Prayer. Written by George Wither

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Oh Lord vouchsafe me grace to be content
“With whatsoever thou to me hast lent
“As long as life on me shall be bestown,
“Let me be fed and cloathed with my own,


“And, not with that which being none of mine
“May make my Neighbour want, or else repine;
“If by a wilful or unwitting wrong
“I have detained ought which doth belong
“Unto my Neighbour, Give me means and will
“By restitution for my doing ill
“To make amends, or else do thou repay them
“The dues which I unwillingly delay them.
“Forgive thou also my unrighteousness,
“That it corrupt not that which I possess,
“Or marr my thrift; and for the time to come
“So wary keep me of departing from
“This Law, that I may still in heart and hand
“Continue faithful unto this Command