University of Virginia Library


20. Shroud and Grave.


Trinity Coll. Camb. MS. 323.

Nou is mon hol & soint
& huvel him comit in mund;
Þenne me seint aftir þe prest
þat wel con reden him to crist.
Afteir þe prest boit icomin
þe feirliche deit him hauit ino[min];
Me prikit him in on vul clohit
& legget him by þe wout.
A-moruen boþin sout & norit
Me nimit þat bodi & berrit hit [forit],
Me grauit him put oþer ston,
þer-in me leit þe fukul bon.
þenne sait þe soule to þe licam,
Wey þat ic ever in þe com!
þu noldes friday festen to n[on],
Ne þe setterday almesse don,
Ne þen sonneday gon to chu[rche],
ne cristene verkis wrch[e].
Neir þu never so prud
of hude & of hewe i[kud],
þu salt in horþe wonien & wormes [þe] to-cheuen
& of alle ben lot þat her þe ve[re] lewe.