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Sixe Bookes. First three Bookes. Of Tooth-lesse Satyrs. 1. Poeticall. 2. Academicall. 3. Morall: Corrected and amended

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Some say my Satyrs ouer-loosey flow,
Nor hide their gall inough from open show:
Not ridle-like obscuring their intent:
But packe-staffe plaine vttring what thing they ment:
Contrarie to the Roman ancients,
Whose wordes were short, & darkesome was their sence;
Who reads one line of their harsh poesies,
Thrise must he take his winde, & breath him thrise.
My Muse would follow them that haue forgone,
But cannot with an English pineon,


For looke how farr the ancient Comedie
Past former Satyrs in her libertie:
So farre must mine yeeld vnto them of olde,
T'is better too be bad, then be to bold.