University of Virginia Library

Accursed darknesse! Thou sad type of death!
Infernall Hagge, whose dwelling is beneath!
What meanes thy boldnesse to vsurpe this roome,
And force a night, before the night be come?
Get, get thee downe, and keepe within thy lifts;
Goe reuell there; and hurle thy hideous mists
Before those cursed eyes, that take delight
In vtter darkenesse, and abhorre the light;
Returne thee to thy dungeon, whence thou came
And hide those faces, whose infernall flame
Cals for more darknesse, and whose tortur'd soules
Craue the protection of th'obscurest holes,
To scape some lashes, and auoid those strict
And horrid plagues, the furies doe inflict:
But if thou needs must ramble here, aboue;
Goe to some other Clymate, and remoue
Thy vgly presence from our darkned eyes,
That hate thy Tyranny: Goe exercise
Thy power in Groues, and solitary springs,
Where Bats are subiects, and where Owles are kings;
Goe to the graues, and fill those empty roomes,
That such as slumber in their silent Toombs
May blesse thy welcome shades, and lie possest
Of vndisturbed and eternall rest:


Or if thy more ambitious fogs desire
To haunt the liuing; hast thee, and retire
Into some Cloyster, and there stand betweene
The light, and those that faine would sin, vnseene;
Assist them there; and let thy vgly shapes
Count'nance close treasons, and incestuous rapes:
Benight those roomes; and ayd all such, as feare
The eye of heauen; Goe; close thy curtaines there;
We need thee not (foule witch,) away, away;
Thou hid'st more beauty then the noone of day
Can giue; O thou, that hast so rudely hurl'd
On this darke bed, the glory of the world.