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Madrigales and ayres

of two, three, foure and fiue Voyces, with the continued Base, with Toccatos, Sinfonias and Rittornellos to them. After the manner of Consort Musique. To be performed with the Harpesechord, Lutes, Theorbos, Base Violl, two Violins, or two viols

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[XXV. I saw faire Cloris]

[XXV. I saw faire Cloris]

I saw faire Cloris walke alone

I saw faire Cloris walke alone, whilst feathred raine, came softly done, and Ioue descended from his Tower, to Court her in a siluer shower, To Court her in a siluer shower. The wanton Snow flew on her brest, like little birds vnto their nest, but ouer come, with whitnesse there for griefe it thawed, it thaw'd in to a teare, in to a teare. Thence falling on her garments hem, to decke her, to decke her, froze into a gem, to decke her, froze into a gem.