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The teares or lamentations of a sorrowfull Soule

Set foorth by Sir William Leighton

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The repentant complaineth of his horrid and grieuous sinnes, and in the end giueth thankes vnto Iehouah on high, who is distinguised into one God and three persons.


Hidden O Lord are my most horred sins,

Psal. 17. 5.

vnto ye world, though open plaine to thee
He neuer betters that no time begins,
corruption killeth all good thoughts in mee.


What sin doth dwell in this vild flesh of ours,
but doth encrease like monsters huge in me:
Cōmitting them both minutes, daies & houres,
as swift as Time, so fast grow they in me.


Rent thine owne flesh, & teare thy wretched haires,
scrape clean corruptions marrow frō thy bones

Mark. 9. 47

Put out thine eies, cut of thy tongue, stop eares
lame all thy sences, to kill sinne at once.


I faine would walke ye know not how to creep
I am opprest with such most hainous crimes:
Whē I should wake, sin drowneth me with sleep
for one good thought I sin a thousand times.


Sigh O my soule, weepe, sorrow & lament,
and seeke for helpe, if any hope be left:
Pray vnto Christ, for grace thou mai'st repent,
before his merits from thee be bereft.



Psal. 23. 4.

Though by his rod, afflictions humble thee,

and for thy sinnes, thou suffer grieuous paine
Yet with his staffe, he still vpholdeth thee,
from deep dispaire, in blisse with him to raigne


Luke 2. 4.

All glory be to God on high,

and to his sonne our sauiour wise and iust:
To whom with ioy still pray and sing will I,
and to my comforter the holy Ghost.


Whose being was from all eternity,
one deity distinct in persons three:

1. Iohn. 5. 7. 8.

According to the blessed Trinity,

distinguish't three, yet one in vnity.