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A mastif whelp with other ruff-Island-lik Currs fetcht from amongst the Antipedes

Which bite and barke at the fantasticall humorists and abusers of the time [by William Goddard]

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Satire 22.

[Noll has the skill to winn and woe a wife]

Noll has the skill to winn and woe a wife,
Then why should Noll (praie) lead a single life?
He followe plowe? faith sir he scorns it plaine
Why Ladies faire will not Noll's suite disdaine.
Let but his wench intreate him to sitt downe,
Hee will not straight waies doe it like a Clowne
But off with's hatt, make's legg, & answere naie,
With I'me as well, forsooth, I thanke you saie
Naie, Noll in's courting, none comes nie him,
They all may learne; push, they must goe by him:
Haue they the hart to sitt by Mistrisse Fraunces?
He has; naie more: hee'le pinck with pretty glaunces,
The'ile blurt forth this; thei'le sweare they doe affect hir,
And from greate perrills the'ile still protect hir,
Faugh, faugh: ti's stale; ti's nothing like to his,
Noll's bold-spiritt wil serue to giue akisse,

And some times Noll will make his long discourse
Of any thing; I, of an olde brood-goose,
Or of his mothers henn with' copple crowne,
Oh! quoth Noll. non laies such egges in all the Towne.
And then hee vp & tells how shee's ath' kinde
Such a henn quoth Noll, (oh)! 'tis rare to finde.
And when to walke dispos'd is mestresse Frauncis,
Before hir like a fore-horse Nolkin praunces.
Cann Courtyers saie this is a goodly weather?
Awaie plaine witts, they cann but tosse a feather.
Cann Courtyers sighing by their Looues, thus saie?
This Raine (alack) is to to badd for hay,
Or thrice in one houre aske them what's a clock?
Fie, their witts to his are dull; I, meere a block.
Yet theise from witty Noll extem'pre comes,
Come come, to Noll all Courtyers are meere momes.