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Love's Dialect

or; Poeticall Varieties; Digested Into a Miscelanie of various fancies. Composed by Tho. Iordan

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What a Whore is.

Nature's unhappy workemanship; if Faire
So much the worse, all mischiefes doubled are:
If Modest, ther's a hell in her intent,
Shee kills secure, when shee seemes innocent:
If coy and nice, take heede, it is a slight,
Shee useth but to strengthen Appetite:
If witty, in her power more dangers lye,
Shee'le give you Logick for Adultery,
Prove lust legitimate; at last beguile
Your easy sense with a deluding smile,
More subtle then her Logick; in such wayes
Shee spends her pretious nere returning dayes.
(The glory of her youth) And (which is worse)
Had shee Helena's beauty, yet the curse,
Of Strumpets will attend her; sicknesse seases
Her over-charged body, and diseases,
Will understand no Phisicke, but prepare
Her limbes for earth, ere a repentant Prayer
Can cherish her lost soule; Thus shee defloure's
Her living kindred and dead ancestors
Of all their fertile fame, so buried lyes,
A pittifull example to the wise;
But those whom shee abus'd in life will laugh
Her finall fall, and curse an Epitaph.