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The Times' Whistle

Or A Newe Daunce of Seuen Satires, and other Poems: Compiled by R. C., Gent. [i.e. Richard Corbett]. Now First Edited from Ms. Y. 8. 3. in the Library of Canterbury Cathedral: With introduction, notes, and glossary, By J. M. Cowper

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Comparatio mortis & Hyenæ.

The attribution of this poem is questionable.

A monstrous beast ther is Hyena namde,
Whose shape of sundry formes composèd is;
Like to a wolfe her visage is iframde,
A vipers swelling neck she hath, I wis;
An elepha[n]ts huge backe, voice like a man,
And Proteous-like, transforme her selfe she can.
Death like this monster is in each respect:
First like a wolfe that ravenous is of prey,
Whose very looke his rapine doth detect,
Ne spareth he ought commeth in his way;
So death is cruell, suffering none escape;
Olde, young, rich, poore, of all he makes his rape.


Next as a viper swelleth on the ground,
And glideth to & fro to many a place,
Yet wher he was no print there can be found,
So nimble is he & so quick of pace;
Soe death is heer & yonder in one stound,
And kills & sleas, yet no man sees him wound.
The elephant in strength to him doth yeild,
Though he 'mongst beastes the strongest be accounted,
And castles carries on his back in field,
Where fighting men, as on a tower mounted,
Safegard themselves & doe their foes annoy;
But death whole townes & countries doth destroy.
A man he is in craft & pollicy,
Lurking full closely to devour his prey;
So death is full of craft & subtilty,
And vnawares doth many take away;
As with sweet sleep he closeth oft the sight,
Yet shuttes the eyes in an eternall night.
Lastly as Proteus into sundry shapes
(When as him list himselfe transforme) could change,
Or male or female he could be perhaps
Nor male nor female; soe doth death estrange
Himselfe into each sexe when as him will,
That is, both male & female he can kill.