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With the Muses Looking-Glasse. Amyntas. Jealous Lovers. Arystippus. By Tho: Randolph ... The fourth Edition enlarged [by Thomas Randolph]

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An Epitaph upon his honoured friend Mr. War.
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An Epitaph upon his honoured friend Mr. War.

Here lies the knowing head, the honest heart,
Fair blood, and courteous hands, and every part
Of gentle Warre, all with one stone content,
Though each deserv'd a severall monument.
He was (believe me Reader) for 'tis rare
Vertuous though young, and learned though an heir.
Not with his Blood, or Natures gifts content,
He paid them both their tribute which they lent.
His Ancestors in him fixed their pride,
So with him all reviv'd, with him all dyed.
This made death lingring come, asham'd to be,
At once the ruine of a family.
Learn Reader here, though long thy line hath stood,
Time breeds consumptions in the noblest blood.
Learn (Reader) here to what our Glories come,
Here's no distinction 'twixe the House and Tomb,