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XIX. Maddeis Lamentatioun.
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XIX. Maddeis Lamentatioun.

Quhen bludy Mars, with his vndantit rage,
With Saturne maid yis cruel cōspiratioun,
And curst Juno, with birnand feirs curage,
Amangis Planettis had greitest dominatioun,
I hard ane voice, with drerie lamentatioun,
Sayand: o Lord! help now with thy rycht hand!
Gone is the Joy and gyde of this Natioun:
I mene be James, Regent of Scotland.
Quhen Lachesis hir threid had drawin to lēth,
Prolonging furth this Princes lyfe in gloir,
Than Atropus, extending furth hir strenth,
This fatell threid, allace! for to deuoir.
Now Justice (oh) quha sal thy sword decoir?
This cōmoun weil quhat wicht sal now warrād,
Sen he is gone, that Gouernd vs befoir,
That vpricht Prince, James, Regent of Scotlād?
His gude beginning quha yat culd richt report?
Quhen this Regioun of reule was destitude,
In plane Parliament our Nobillis did exhort
That Innocent to tak the fortitude


Of this fals Ile, of Justice than denude,
And with thair aithis promysit with him to stād,
Justice to keip in mynde he did conclude,
Sa lang as he was Regent in Scotland.
Sen Fergus dayis his lyke was neuer none
In equall Justice, and deidis Martiall;
Thir Realmes twa he knat vp baith in one,
Quhilk neuer Prince befoir culd do at all.
The Souage daillis he dantonit and maid thrall;
To serue thair King he gart thame gif thair bād:
With fyre and sword for grace he gart them call:
That prudēt Prince, James, Regent of Scotlād.
His commoun weill he lufit ouer all thing;
In trew Religioun na Prince mycht be his peir;
Idolatrie but reuth he did down thring;
All sorsarars he puneist far and neir;
Na Homiceid, nor theif than durst appeir
Within his sycht for dreid of dynt of brand;
Just men he maid his fallow and his feir—
This humane Prince, James, Regēt of Scotlād.
The deuill Seand this godly Prince sa bent,
Throw auld malice he gaif to rage throw feid,
His Spreit Inferne he send Incontinent
Amangis tratours for to conspyre his deid;
And cruelly, but mercy or remeid,
With schot of gunne yai murdreist him fra hand,
Schort ouer twa yeiris quhē he had rung in deid—
This Innocent Prince, James, Regent of Scotland.
Ȝe vertuous men! lament his cairfull chance,
Sen he is gone that suld ȝow fortifie;
All ȝe that wald the trew Gospell auance,
Beuaill, beuaill for that sweit Josue,


Ȝour secund Moyses, that led ȝow throw ye se.
Had he Indurit ȝour Canane land had stand.
Dispair not ȝit. Christ will ȝour Capitane be,
Sen he is gone, James, Regent of Scotland.
Ȝe pure cōmounis, that lang hes bene opprest,
And ȝe Burrowis, murne and Regrait his fall!
Gif he had leifit, na man durst ȝow molest,
For quhy he was ane watcheman on ȝour wall:
Now, sen na Prince may leif vprycht at all,
In this fals Realme, onslane in Burgh and land,
Adew now, Mirrour of Justice Principall,
Maist godly Prince, James, Regent of Scotland.
This commoun weil he luifit sa tenderlie,
Quhilk to mantene na thing maid him agast:
His lufe to it he schew maist faithfullie,
And with his blude he seillit it up at last.
Had he mantenit all Tratours that trespast,
His godly lyfe in Joyis ȝit had stand;
That wald he not, and sa this Prince is past:
That Innocent, James, Regent of Scotland.
Now ȝe, his followeris of his Interpryse,
Think on the murther of that Innocent!
Extend ȝour strenthis and all togidder ryse;
Pas endlang Clyde but reuth incontinent.
Meg Lochis get, that did the mys Inuent,
That Apostat, that Feyndis awin Seriand,
Seis not quhill he and his curst Kin Repent
The slauchter of our Regent of Scotland.
That Infant Babe, that ȝe haif taine in cure,
Saif him from skaith and stif togidder byde;
Remember quhat ȝe haif in hand, be sure;
Ȝour fais will lauch quhen they se ȝow deuyde:


Lat na vaine gloir, couetice, nor pryde
Expell freindschip to wrak ȝow and this land.
Keip the last wordis of our Just Joy and gyde,
Quhen he deceissit, James, Regent of Scotland.
Hudge is ȝour fais within this fals Regioun,
With Ithand trystis cōtractand vp new bandis
To bring ȝow to schame and confusioun:
Gaird ȝow ȝow lufe, sen ȝe wait how it standis,
Ȝour Prince, & strenth keip weill in faithful hādis;
For, gif ȝour fais tryūphis ouer ȝow to stād,
Schaip ȝow for deid, or dwell in vther landis,
Sen he is gone, James, Regent of Scotland.
Ȝour cause is Just, gif ȝe wald all persew,
Bot quhair deuisioun lurkis it is ane pyne;
Christ hes it sed, and doutles it is trew,
That Kingdome sall come to greit ruyne
Quhen that deuissioun hes his sait and tryne.
Thairfoir be war, counsall is na command:
For, gif ȝe perische, ȝour cause & freindis sall tyne:
For now they want James, Regent of Scotlād.
Greit is the danger ȝe stand in now, but dout,
And ȝe haif schame fra ȝour purpois to fle;
Spair not for geir, bot with bauld hartis be stout,
Mantene Gods cause, to commoun weill haif Ee,
And he that is of maist Magnificie
Ȝour baner sall display with his awin hand,
To the confusioun of ȝour Enemie,
Sen he is gone, James, Regent of Scotland.
O thow that art Omnipotent conding,
Thre persounis Ringand in ane Trinitie!
Help yis pure Realme & preserue our ȝoung King
Fra Schame, and deid, and feid of Enemie.


Amangis our Nobillis plant peace & vnitie.
Fra mercyles strangers saif vs with thy rycht hād:
Our sinnis is greit, ȝit mercy rests with the.
Adew for ay! James, Regent of Scotland.

Imprentit at Edinburgh be Robert Lekpreuik. Anno Do. 1570.
