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Another of the same Authour.

Another of the same Authour.

[Fields were ouer-spread with flowers]

Fields were ouer-spread with flowers,
Fairest choise of Floraes treasure:
Sheepheards there had shadie Bowers,
Where they oft reposd with pleasure.

Meadowes flourish'd fresh and gay,
where the wanton Heards did play.
Springs more cleare then Christall streames,
Seated were the Groues among:
Thus nor Titans scorching beames,
Nor earths drouth could Sheepheards wrong.
Faire Pomonaes fruitfull pride:
did the budding braunches hide.
Flocks of sheepe fed on the Plaines,
Harmelesse sheepe that roamd at large:
Heere and there sate pensiue Swaines,
Wayting on their wandring charge.
Pensiue while their Lasses smil'd:
Lasses which had them beguil'd.
Hills with trees were richly dight,
Vallies stor'd with Vestaes wealth:
Both did harbour sweet delight,
Nought was there to hinder health.
Thus did heauen grace the soyle:
Not deform'd with work-mens toile.
Purest plot of earthly mold,
Might that Land be iustly named:
Art by Nature was controld,
Art which no such pleasures framed.
Fayrer place was neuer seene:
Fittest place for Beauties Queene.
I. M.