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Honoured with Pastorall Sonnets, Elegies, and amorous delights. VVhere-vnto is annexed, the tragicall complaynt of Elstred [by Thomas Lodge]

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Sonnet XIX.

Thou tiranizing Monarcke that dost tire,
My loue-sicke heart through those assaulting eyes,
That are the lampes which lighten my desire,
If nought but death furie may suffise:
Not for my peace, but for thy pleasure bee it,
That Phillis, wrathfull Phillis that repines me,
All grace but death, may daine to come and see it,
And seeing greeue, at that which shee assignes me.
This onely boone for all my mortall bane,
I craue and crie for, at thy mercye seate;
That when hir wrath a faithfull heart hath slaine,
And soule is fled, and body reft of heate:
She might perceiue how much she might command,
That had my life, and death, within hir hand.