University of Virginia Library


Of Sceuola

If millions many gods would giue,
of goodly glitteryng golde:
Should not then Sceuola be esteemd,
and highly be extolde?
Oh then how would I liue (quoth he)
whereat the Gods did smile:
And gaue hym his request: but then
his ioyes he gan exile.
Then ragged goune like peltyng patche,
our Sceuola could vse:
With patche on patche like loutishe lob,
he cobled oft his shues.
His table then he did neglect,
and course fare pleasde hym beste:
With worldly cares he was so toste,
that scarse he tooke his reste.
Then must I liue he often saied,
or els the Gods me take:
And so with wealthe gan cares encrease,
and hym more carefull make.