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A Crovvne-Garland of Govlden Roses

Gathered out of Englands royall garden. Being the liues and strange fortunes of many great personages of this Land. Set forth in many pleasant new songs and sonetts neuer before imprinted. By Richard Iohnson

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A pleasant new Sonnet intituled, mine owne deare Lady braue


To the tune of Rogero

Myne owne deare Lady braue,
would God it were my hap:
To be the Spanniell that you haue,
to dandle in your lap.
Or that I were so feate,
to please you with my skippes:
To take me vp in your conceit,
to stand and lick your lippes:
Or that my pranking pace,
in all points could agree:
To touch your traine in euery place,
at least as neere as he.
Or that I could so bragge,
or simper with my taile:
To take me vp into your lap,
to know what I doe ayle.

Then should I hope and haue,
each dainty in the dish.
And harbor like a pretty knaue,
according to my wish.
And sleepe betweene your paps,
with striking on the head:
As tenderly each Lady raps,
such puppies in their beds.
Would God you would voutchsafe,
to grant me halfe the grace:
A lick or leape some time to haue,
in such a puppies place.
Should neuer faining whelpe,
so closely keepe you play:
For I will neither yaune nor yelpe,
your secrets to bewray.
But what it should behooue,
A Spaniell to professe:
To cloake or hide, when you remooue,
my part shall be no lesse.

And what doth want in him,
my fauor might supply:
For though your puppie can do trim,
yet not so well as I.
Perhaps you will forget,
your puppies dainty toyes,
When you and I were closely met,
to play for pritty boyes.
Then pitty now peruse,
this written verse of mine:
Or else the Dog I craue to choose,
the happy state of thine.