University of Virginia Library

20 Of a Precise Tayler.

A tayler a man of an vpright dealing,
True, but for lying, honest, but for stealing,
Did fall one day extremely sicke by chance,
And on the sudden was in wondrous trance.
The Fiends of hell mustring in fearfull manner,
Of sundry coloured silke display'd a banner,

Which he had stolne, and wish't as they did tell,
That one day he might finde it all in hell.
The man affrighted at this apparision,
Vpon recouerie grew a great Precision.
He bought a Bible of the new translation,
And in his life, he shew'd great reformation:
He walked mannerly and talked meekely;
He heard three Lectures, and two Sermons weekely;
He vowed to shunne all companies vnruly,
And in his speech he vsde none oath, but truely:
And zealously to keepe the Sabboths rest,
His meate for that day, on the e'ue was drest.
And lest the custome, that hee had to steale,
Might cause him sometime to forget his zeale,
He giues his iournymen a speciall charge,
That if the stuffes allowance being large,
He found his fingers were to filch inclin'd,
Bid him but haue the Banner in his minde.
This done, I scant can tell the rest for laughter,
A Captaine of a Ship came three daies after,
And brought three yards of Veluet, & three quarters
To make Venetians downe below the garters.
He that precisely knew what was enuffe,
Soone slipt away three quarters of the stuffe.
His man espying it, said in derision,
Remember, Master, how you saw the vision.
Peace (knaue) quoth he, I did not see one ragge
Of such a colour'd silke in all the flagge.