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The First Fovre Bookes of Virgil his AEneis

Translated intoo English heroical verse by Richard Stanyhurst, wyth oother Pohetical diuises theretoo annexed

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OF TYNDARVS, THAT FRVMPED a gentlewoman for hauing a long nose, deliuered by the former author in Latin.

Tyndarus attempting too kis a fayre lasse with a long nose,
Would needs bee finish, with bitter frumperye taunting.
Jn vayn I doo coouet my lips too linck toe thye sweete lips,
Thy nose, as a stickler, toe toe long vs parteth a sunder.
Heere the mayd al bashful, the vnsau'ry saucines heeding:
With choler oppressed, thus shrewdlye toe Tyndarus aunswerd,
Syth mye nose owtpeaking, good syr, your liplabor hindreth,
Hardlye ye may kisse mee, where no such gnomon apeereth.