University of Virginia Library

Of two euills chuse the least.

A Scriuener (about nine a clocke at night)
Sat close in's shop, and earnestly did write,
The villany abroad suspecting not,
While two obseruing him, thus layd a plot,
Quoth one to t'other, snatch thou off his hat:
The which he did, and ran away with that:
The Scriuener in hast his shop forsakes,
And for to ouertake him vndertakes,
So while he follows him that runs away
The other rascall watching for his pray,
Enters the shop as bold as bold might be,
And takes his cloake and so away goes he.
Scriuener comes backe, bare headed as he went,
Missing his cloake was far worse discontent,
Quoth he what case am I brought in to night,
Of hat and cloake being vncased quite?
I will not cry Hamlet Reuenge my greeues,
But I will call Hang-man Reuenge on theeues.