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A worke in Ryme contayning an Enter-lude of Myndes, witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English [by Christopher Vitell?]

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Thear fynde I ; through Searching; a good Instruction, certayne.
I wil surerly not esteeme it ; as a Tryfle; in-any-case.
Notwithstanding, we are heere, permitted in this place,
To vse all-finde of things, whatsever heere

Gen. 2.

we fynde.


But the Knowledg man we not, open or vnbunde.
With thatt we must not deale, God hath forbodd it specially.
But all the other Fruits, are to our Comodity.
We may use of them, at al-tymes when we will.
Beholde: theternall Ioye, is heere in presence still:
Wherin our Heart, man reioyce and take delyte.
Heere is also

1. Cor. 1[illeg.].

Love, that can satisfy vs ryte:

Wherthrough we liue continually, in peaceable Gyse.
Moreouer, heere is Reasonablenes, manifest likewyse:
Wherin our Nature keepeth, Measure, Night and Daye.
For Reasonablnes doth keepe, the very-right Highwaye.
His Testimony is, all requisite Conuenience.
And heere is likewyse, Gods dutifull Obedience/
Which teacheth vs to bow,

Iam. 5.a. 1. Pet. 5.b.

vnder God Omnipotent.

From God and from his Loue, to receaue our Norishment:
As also Gods Honour (and not our selues) to seeke.

Yea, wil ye bewrapp yourselues in such Obedience meeke?
That is Gods

1. Reg. 15.

Pleasure, and his Will indeede:

But so can ye neuer, to the Knowledg proceede.
For whoso the Commandement, doth not search and scann,
He remayneth alwayes, a simple foolish Man:
And to be leadd heere and theare, is very-well-content.
Not once knowing rightly (thissame is euident)
Whither thatt which is tolde him, be either good or yll.
But through Knowledg one becows ; like God;

Gen. 3.a.

full of Skill.

Through Searching, you shall fynde it, very-so to bee.
For Obedience,

1. Reg. 15.

doth but [illeg.]ynde, and restrayne you ye see/

And teacheth you to go, without

Math. 16. Luk. 14.

your owne Will:

Whatsoeuer you think-good, ye

Deut. 12.a. 29.c.

must let it stand-still:

Yea, all what ; to be good for you; ye can deuyse and make.