University of Virginia Library


Canto II The Humiliation

The Summary of the Poem.

Theophila, or Divine Love, ascends to her Belov'd by three Degrees. By Humilitie, by Zeal, by Contemplation. In the First She is Sincere, In the Second Fervent, In the Third Extatical. In her Humiliation She sadly condoles her Sin, in her Devotion She improves her Grace, In her Meditation She antidates her Glory, and triumphantly congratulates the Fruition of her Spouse. And by three Wayes, which Divines call the Purgative, Illuminative, and Unitive; She is happily led into the Disquisition of Sin by Man; of Suffering by CRIST as Sponsor; of Salvation, by Him as REDEEMER. In the Purgative Way she falls upon Repentance, Mortification, Self-denial; helpt in part by the Knowledge of herself, which breeds Contrition, Renuntiation, and Purpose of Amendment: In the Illuminative she pursues Moral Vertues, Theological Graces, and Gospel-promises, revealed by CHRIST, as the Great Apostle, which begets in her Gratitude, Imitation and, Appropriation. In the Unitive she is wholly taken up with Intuition of supercœlestial Excellencies, with beatifical Apprehensions,


and Adherencies, as to CHRIST in Bodie, to the Holy GHOST in Spirit, to GOD the FATHER in a bright Resemblance of the Divine Nature. All which are felt by the Knowledg of CHRIST as Mediator; whence flow Admiration, Elevation, consummated in Glorification. And were Mysteriously intimated in the Symbolical Oblations of the Star-led Sophies, Who, by their Myrrhe, signify'd Faith, Chastity, Mortification, the Purgative Actions; by their Incense implied Hope, Prayer, Obedience, the Illuminative Devotions; by their Gold importing Charity, Satiety, Radiancie, the Unitive Eminencies: And it is the only Ambition of Theophila to offer these presents to her Belov'd; by whom her Sin is purged, her Understanding enlightned, her Will and Affections enflamed to the Communion of all his Glories. Thus, She by recollecting past Creation, present Corruption, and future Beatifical Vision, endeavors to rowze us up from Hellish Security, Worldly Solicitude, and Carnal Concupiscence, that being rais'd, we may conform to the will, submit to the Power, and sympathize with the Spirit of CHRIST, by a total Resignation of Self-comforts, Abilities, Ends; and by the internal Acts of Love, Devotion, Contemplation, She makes Sense subservient to Reason, Reason to Faith, and Faith to the written Word. By Faith she beleeves what he has reveal'd, and yields him up all her Understanding: By Hope She waits for his Promises, and refers to Him all her Will. By Charity she Loves his Excellencies, and resignes to him all her Affections. And by all these She triumphs over Sin, Death, Hell, in the sensual World, and by his Virtue, Grace, Favour, enjoyes an eminent Degree of Perfection in the Intellectual.



Unde superbit Homo? cujus Conceptio, Culpa;
Nasci, Pœna; Labor, Vita; necesse mori.
Totus homo pravus; Caro, Mens, Natura, Voluntas;
Cœlicus ast Hominis Crimina tollit Amor.
The Deiform'd Soul deform'd by Sin, repents;
In Pray'rs and Tears, her Grief She vents,
And, till Faith cheer her by CHISTS Love, Life, Death, laments.


Almighty Power, Who did'st All Souls Create;
Who did'st Redeem their faln Estate;
Who still dost Sanctifie, and them Redintegrate.


Sourse, River, Ocean of all Blisse, instill
Spring-tides into my low-ebb'd Quill:
Each graceful Work flowes from (what works all Grace) Thy Will.


LORD! Thou, before Time, Matter, Form, or Place,
Wast All; E're Natures mortal Race:
Thy Self, Host, Guest, and Palace, Natures total Space.



When yet (though not discern'd) in that Abysse
Creator, Word, and Spirit of Blisse,
In Unity the Trine, one GOD, adored is.


E're Thou the Chrystal-mantled Heav'n didst rear,
Or did the Earth, Sols Bride, appear,
First Race of Intellectuals mad'st, Thee to revere.


Praise best doth Inexpressibles expresse:
Soul, Th' Architect of Wonders blesse;
Whose All-creating Word embirth'd a Nothingnesse.


Who brooding on the Deep, Production
Dispos'd, then call'd out Light, which on
The formless Worlds rude Face was all dispers'dly thrown.


When callow Nature, pluckt from out her Nest
Of Causes, was awak'd from Rest,
Her shapeless Lump with fledg'd effects He trimly drest.


Then new-born Day He gilt with glittering Sun
(Contracted Light); with changing Moon
He Night adorn'd, and hung up Lamps, like spangled Bullion.


The Earth, with Water mixt, He separates:
Earth Plants brought forth, and Beasts All Mates;
The Waters Fowl, and Fish to yield Man delicates.


Then did of th' El'ements Dust Mans Bodie frame
A perfect Microcosm, the Same
He quickned with a sparkle of Pneumatick Flame.



More Heav'nly specify'd by Life from th' Word;
That, Nature doth, This, Grace afford;
And Glory from the Spirit design'd, as threefold Cord.


Man, ere a Childe; by Infusion wise; though He
Was of, yet not for Earth, though free
Chanc'lour install'd of Edens Universitie.


His Virgin-Sister-Wife i'th Grove He woo'd,
(Heav'ns Nursery); new Fruit his Food,
Skin was his Robe: Clouds washt, Winds swept his Floor. All good.


Envie, that GOD should so love Man, first mov'd
Satan, to ruine Heav'ns Belov'd:
The Serpent Devil'd Eve, She's Dam to Adam prov'd.


Both taste, by tasting, tastlesse Both became;
Who All would know, knew nought but Shame:
They blush for That which They, when righteous, could not name.


Still in our Maw that Apples Core doth stick,
Which they did swallow, and the thick
Rinde of forbidden Fruit has left our Nature sick.


Now serves our Guiltiness, as winding Sheet,
To wrap up Lepers; Cover meet;
While thus stern Vengeance does our Wormships sadly greet.


Disloyal Slaves, look out, see, Mischief revels;
Look in, see your own Denne of Evils;
Look up; see Heav'ns dread Judge; Look down, see Hells fierce Devils.



Created in GODS Image to look high;
Corrupted, like to Brutes, you lie:
Perdition's from your selves: No Cure for those will die.


Your Beautie, Rottenness skin'd o're, does show
Like to a Dunghill, blancht with Snow,
Your glorious Nature's by embasing Sin brought low.


Hence you the heavy Doom of Death do gain,
Enforc'd unto laborious Pain;
And th' Angels flaming Sword doth you, expuls'd, restrain.


Thus She reproacht; Yet more (alas) remain'd;
Mans Issue in his Loins is staind:
Sin set his Throne in Him, and since o're all has reign'd.


Black Sin! more hideous then green Dragons Claws,
Dun Gryphons Talons, swart Bears Paws,
Then checquer'd Panthers Teeth, or tawnie Lions Jaws.


Forfeit to the Creator's thus Mans Race,
And by the Word withdrawn is Grace,
From him the Spirit of Glory turn'd his pleasing Face.


Yet that this Second Race, in fallen Plight,
Might not with th' First be ruin'd quite,
The Word doth interpose to stop th' incensed Might.


Then undertakes for Man to satisfie,
And the sad losse of Grace supply,
That us He might advance to Glories Hierarchie.



Then Peace is preacht ith' Womans Seed; but then
As Men increase; So, Sins of Men,
And Actual on Original heapt, GOD's vext agen.


Till drencht they were in Deluge, had no Shore;
And burnt in Sodom-Flames, of yore;
Plagued in Egypt, plung'd into the Gulf of Core.


And gnawn by Worms in Herod: Sin's Asps Womb,
Plotter, Thief, Plaintiff, Witnesse, Doom,
Sledge, Executioner, Hells Inmate, Horrors Tomb.


Misgotten Brat! thy Trains are infinite
To ruine each intangled Wight:
Mischiefs nere rest in Men, th' have everlasting Spite.


Spite wageth War, then War turns Law to Lust;
Lust crumbles Faith into Distrust;
Distrust by causelesse Jealousie betrayes the Just;


The Just are plunder'd by thy Rage; thy Rage
Bubbleth from Envie; Envie's Page
To thy Misdeeds; Misdeeds their own Misfate engage.


Thus linkt to Hell's thy Chain! Curs'd be that Need
Makes Sinners in their Sins proceed:
Shame, to Guilts forlorn Hope, leads left-hand Files.—Take heed.


GODS Fort (the Conscience) in the worst does stand;
Though Sin the Town keeps by strong Hand,
Yet lies it open to the Check at Heav'ns Command.



Hence Hell surrounds them: In their Dreams to fall
Headlong they seem, then start, groan, crawl
From Furies, with excessive Frights which them appal.


Ne're was more Mischief, ne're was less Remorse;
Never Revenge on his black Horse
Did swifter ride; Never to GOD so slow Recourse!


The Age-bow'd Earth groans under Sinners Weight;
While guiltlesse Blood cries to Heav'ns Height,
Justice soon takes th' Alarm, whose steeled Arm will smite.


Inevitable Woes a while may stay,
Vengeance is GODS, Who will repay
The desperately Wilfull, nor will long delay.


'Tis darkest neer Day-break. He will o'return
Th' Implacable, who Mercie spurn;
Superlative Abuses in th' Abysse shall burn.


Deaths Hell Deaths Self out-deaths! Vindictive Place!
Deep under Depths! Excentrick Space!
Horrour It self, than Thee, wears a lesse horrid Face!


Where Pride, Lust, Rage, (Sin treble-pointed) dwell;
Shackled in red-hot Chains they yell
In bottomlesse Extreams of never-slaking Hell!


Riddle! Compell'd, at once, to live and die!
Frying they freez, and freezing frie!
On helplesse, hopelesse, easelesse, endlesse Racks they lie!



And rave for what they hate! Cursing in vain,
Yet each Curse is a Pray'r for Pain,
For, cursing still their Woe, they woo GODS Curse again!


Devils and Shreeks their Ears, their Eyes affright!
There's blazing Fire, yet darkest Night!
Still paying, ne're discharg'd. Sins Debt is Infinite!


Angels by one Sin fell; So, Man: How then
May Sinners stand! Let's quit Sins Den:
This Moment's Ours; Life hasts away; Delayes gangrene.


Conviction ushers Grace; Fall to prevent
Thy Fall, Times Fore-lock take; Relent.
Shall is to come; and Was is past; then, Now repent.


Before the Suns long Shadows span up Night;
E're on thy shaking Head Snowes light;
E're round thy palsy'd Heart Ice be congealed quite;


E're in thy Pocket thou thine Eyes dost wear;
E're thy Bones serve for Calender;
E're in thy Hand's thy Leg, or Silver in thy Hair;


Preventing Physick use. Think, now ye hear
The Dead-awakening Trump; Lo, there
The queazie-stomackt Graves disgorge Worms fatning Chear.


Sins Sergeants wait t' attach you; Then, make haste,
Lest you into Despair be cast:
The JUDGE unsway'd: Take Dayes at best, count each your Last.



Time posts on loose-rein'd Steeds. The Sun ere't face
To West, may see Thee end thy Race:
Death is a Noun, yet not declin'd in any Case.


The Cradle's nigh the Tomb. That Soul has Woe,
Whose drowzie March to Heav'n is slow,
As drawling Snails, whose slime glues them to Things below.


Anathema to luke-warm Souls.—Lo, here
Theophila's unhing'd with Fear,
Clamm'd with chill sweat, when as her ranckling Sins appear.


Perplext in Crimes meandring Maze, GODS Law,
And Guilt, that does strict Judgement draw,
And her too carnal, yet too stonie Heart She saw.


Yet Rocks may cleave (she cries.) Then, weeps for Tears,
And grieves for Grief; fears want of Fears;
She Hell, Heav'ns Prison, views; Distress, for Robe, She wears.


Deprav'd by Vice, depriv'd of Grace; with Pray'r,
She runs Faiths Course; breaks through Despair,
O'retakes Hope. Broken Legs by setting stronger are.


Shame, native Conscience, views That Holy One,
Who came from GOD to Man undone,
Whose Birth produc'd a Star, Whose Death eclips't the Sun.


She sees Earth-Heav'n, Flesh-Spirit, Man-God in Stamp
Of Him, who shakes, but does not cramp
The bruised Reed; Snuffs puts not out the sputtring Lamp.



She sees for Creatures the Creator came
To die; The Shepherd prov'd the Lamb
For Sacrifice, when Jews releas'd a spotted Ram.


She sees defamed Glory, wronged Right,
Debased Majestie, crusht Might,
Virtue condemn'd, Peace robb'd, Love slain! And All by Spite.


She, streaming, sees, like Spouts, each broached Vein
With Gore, not to be matcht again!
Her Grief thence draws up Mysts to fall in weeping Rain.


Vast Cares, long dumb, thus vent. Flow Tears, Souls Wine,
Juice of an Heart opprest; Encline,
LORD, to this heart-broke Altar cemented with Brine!


Remorsefull Clouds, dissolve in Showr's; 'Tis Blood
Turns rocky Hearts into a Flood:
Eyes, keep your Sluces ope; Heav'n best by Tears is woo'd.


Thou, Who one Shoarless Sea of All did'st make,
Except one floating Isle, to take
Vengeance on Guilt; My Salt Flood rais'd, drown Sin i'th' Lake.


O, how these Words, Arise to Judgement quell!
On Wheels in Torments broke I'd dwell,
So as by Grace I might be sav'd from endlesse Hell.


To Angel-Intercessor, I'm forbid
To pray; Yet pray to One that did
Pray to Another for Himself when's Blood-drops slid.



Father! Perfections Self in CHRIST does shine;
Thy Justice then in Him confine;
Through's Merits, make thy Mercies, both are endless, mine!


See not, but through's abstersive Blood, my Sin;
By which I being cleans'd within,
Adde Perseverance. 'Tis as hard to hold, as win.


Her Eyes are Centinels to Pray'r, to Moans
Her Ears, her Nose courts Charnel-bones;
Her Hands Breast-hammers are, her constant Food is Groans.


Her Heart is hung with Blacks, with Dust she cloyes
Her golden Tresses; Weds Annoyes,
Breeds Sighs, bears Grief, which, Ibis-like, Sin-snakes destroyes.


Thus mounts she drizling Olivet; the Plains
Of Jericho she leaves. (While Rains
The Farmer wet, they fully swell his earing Graines.)


She, her own Farmer, stockt from Heav'n, is bent
To thrive; Care 'bout the Pay-day's spent.
Stange! She alone is Farmer, Farm, and Stock, and Rent.


The Porcupine so's Quiver, Bow, and Darts
To' herself alone; has all Wars Arts;
Her own Artillery needs no Aid from forreign Parts.


Sad Votaresse! thy Earth, of late oregrown
With Weeds, is plough'd, till'd harrow'd, sown.
The Seed of Grace sprouts up when Nature is kept down.



Thy Glebe is melow'd with Faith-quickning Juice;
The Furrows thence Hope-blades produce;
Thy Valley cloth'd with Love will Harvest Joyes diffuse.


Live, Phenix, from Self-death. I'th' Morn who dies
To Sin, does but immortalize:
Who studie Death, ere dead, ere th' Resurrection rise.


Rachel! thy Children Goal and Crown have won,
Ere they had Skill or Will to run.
Blest, who their whole Dayes Work in their Lifes Morn have done.


Like misty Morn, She rose in Dew; so found
She ne're was, till this Sicknesse, sound;
Till Sin, in Sorrows flowing Issue (Tears) lay drownd.


Souls Life-blood Tears, prevailing Pleaders, tame
Such Rebels, as by Eve did shame
Mans Glory; only These the old faln World new frame.


Lust causeth Sin, Sin Shame, Shame bids repent,
Repentance weeps, Tears Sorrow vent,
Sorrow shews Faith, Faith Hope, Hope Love, Love Souls Content.


Thus, from bruis'd Spiceries of her Breast, doth rise
Incense, sweet-smelling Sacrifice:
Whilst she lifts up to Heav'n, her Heart, her Hand, her Eyes.


I'm sick with trembling, sunk with mourning, blasted
With sinning, and with sighing wasted;
New Life begins to breath; O, Joy, too long untasted!



Twice did'st new Life (by Breath, by Death) bestow
On Man prevaricating, Who,
By yielding to a Woman, made Man yield to Woe.


Then did'st his Soul restore (as first inspire)
With second Grace, renewing Fire;
Whence He hath part again in thy Cœlestial Quire.


Once more for this Heav'n-Denison did'st get
A never-fading Coronet,
Which was with two bright Jewels, Grace and Glory, set.


'Twas at my bloud-stain'd Birth Thy Love said, Live:
Links of Thy prævious Chain revive
Ev'n crumbled Dust: So, Thou my Soul from Death reprive!


CHRIST, Th' Unction art, Salvation JESUS; in
Thy Death Redemption, Blood for Sin
Gives Satisfaction, Thy Ascension Hope does winne;


Thy Session Comfort. Though I did offend,
LORD, Fears disband, give Grace t' amend,
That, Hope, which reaps not shame, may rise, & Peace descend.


My Pardon signe. The Spear pierct Thee's the Pen,
Thy Bloud the Ink, Thy Gospel then
The Standish is, O, let my Soul be Paper clean!


Kinde, angry LORD, since Thou dost wound, yet cure;
I'l bear the Yoak, the Crosse endure;
Lament, and Love; and, when set free, keep Conscience pure.



Thus mourns she, and, in mourning thus, she joyes;
Ev'n that adds Comfort, which annoyes;
Sighs turn to Songs, & Tears to Wine, Fear Fear destroies.


As holy Flame did from her Heart arise,
Dropt holy Water from her Eyes,
While Pray'r her Incense was, & Love her Sacrifice.


Arm! Arm! She breaks in with strong Zeal; The Place.
Sin quitts, now garison'd by Grace;
Illustrious Triumphs do the Steps of Victors trace.


When the loud Volleyes of her Pray'rs begin
To make a Breach, they soon take in
The Parapets, Redouts, and Counterscarps of Sin.


At once she works and fights: With Lamp she waits,
Midst Virgins, at the Bridegrooms Gates,
With Him to feast; Her with his Bridal Delicates.


To Heav'n now goes she on her Knees; which cry
Loud, as her Tongue; much speaks her Eye:
Heav'n, storm'd by Violence, yields. Eyes, Tongue, and Knees scale high.


My Last crave Pardon for my First Extreams;
Be prais'd, who crown'st my Morn with Beams;
Converted Age sees Visions, erring Youth dreamt Dreams.


Religion's its own Lustre; Who This shun,
Night-founder'd grope at midday Sun.
Rebellion is its own self-tort'ring Dungeon.



Mans restlesse Minde, GODS Image, can't be blest
Till of this One, This All, possest.
Thou our Souls Center art, our everlasting REST!
Pars superata Freti, Lucem præbentibus Astris;
Longior at nostræ Pars superanda Viæ.
Da, DEUS, ut Cursus suscepti nostra propinquet
Meta, laboranti grata futura Rati.
Magnificat Anima mea Dominum.