University of Virginia Library




One summer night, when the stars shone bright,
And the clover was gem'd with dew,
A lone maid walk'd in a grove, and talk'd:
Now, of what did she talk, think you, think you?
Of what did she talk, think you?
“Love! Love!” she said, and she hung her head,
“Oh, how strange to me it seems,
That maidens coy should let such a boy
So trouble them in their dreams, their dreams;
So trouble them in their dreams.
“Only to-day, as asleep I lay,
With this letter open wide,
I thought that one, who had long been gone,
Walk'd here, with me at his side, his side;
Walk'd here, with me at his side.
“But not for this am I here, I wis;
I believe not in dreams—oh, no!
And yet if I knew my dream would prove true,
I am not sure that I 'd go, I 'd go;
I am not sure that I 'd go.”
A step drew nigh—“Oh, yes! I must fly;
Nay, do not stop me, I pray!”
“Stay, Ellen,—do!”—“Oh, Charles! is it you?
I thought you were far away, away;
I thought you were far away.”