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Near at hand to you a throat is now inflating itself and joyfully singing.



Ma femme!
For the brood beyond us and of us,
For those who belong here, and those to come,
I, exultant, to be ready for them, will now shake out carols stronger and haughtier than have ever yet been heard upon earth.


I will make the songs of passion, to give them their way,
And your songs, outlaw'd offenders—for I scan you with kindred eyes, and carry you with me the same as any.


I will make the true poem of riches,
To earn for the body and the mind whatever adheres, and goes forward, and is not dropt by death.


I will effuse egotism, and show it underlying all—and I will be the bard of personality;
And I will show of male and female that either is but the equal of the other;
And sexual organs and acts! do you concentrate in me—for I am determin'd to tell you with courageous clear voice, to prove you illustrious;
And I will show that there is no imperfection in the present—and can be none in the future;
And I will show that whatever happens to anybody, it may be turn'd to beautiful results—and I will show that nothing can happen more beautiful than death;
And I will thread a thread through my poems that time and events are compact,
And that all the things of the universe are perfect miracles, each as profound as any.


I will not make poems with reference to parts;
But I will make leaves, poems, poemets, songs, says, thoughts, with reference to ensemble:
And I will not sing with reference to a day, but with reference to all days;
And I will not make a poem, nor the least part of a poem, but has reference to the Soul;


(Because, having look'd at the objects of the universe, I find there is no one, nor any particle of one, but has reference to the Soul.)