University of Virginia Library



Said the Child to the youthful Year,
What hast thou in store for me,
Oh giver of beautiful gifts, what cheer,
What joy dost thou bring with thee?
And the Year in the eyes of the child
Looked, bright with the sparkle of frost,
And gazing, sighed, and sighing, smiled,
Like shadow and sunshine crossed.
All gifts of my seasons four,
The winter's snow-locked bliss,
The flowers of spring and the autumn's store,
And the summer's golden kiss;
All these and more shall be thine,
Dear Child, but the last and best
Thyself must earn by a strife divine,
Wouldst thou be truly blest.
Wouldst know this last best gift?
'Tis a conscience clear and bright,
A peace of mind which the soul can lift
To an infinite delight!
Truth, patience, courage and love
If thou unto me canst bring,
I will set all earth's ills above,
Oh Child, and crown thee a king.