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While yestereve, still dark and drear
With driving clouds the heavens were;
And strong and fast
The river through the arches past;
I crossed the quaking bridge alone,
Against whose pediments of stone
The surging tide
Swept trunks with arms distended wide.
With waters flowing broad and red,
The level lands were overspread;
Their early bloom
All withered in a common tomb.


The path so often trod of yore
No longer traced along the shore,
Before my eyes
The gloomy stream, the murky skies.
Oh heart, (I groaned) in such a sea,
Were truth and honor swept from thee,
Which should have been
As rooted forests, firm and green.
The flowers in my breast were drowned
By overwhelming passion;—found
My feet no more
A peaceful path along the shore.
But over rising sins and woes,
Alike, the simple arches rose
Of faith in God,
So that from shore to shore I trod.


And when, oh Love, serene and fair
The heavens are, and reäppear
On every lea,
The fragrant bloom, the steadfast tree;
Then richer for these beating rains
When harvest comes, in golden grains
That heart will be,
That trusted in its God and thee.