University of Virginia Library


It's as easy for some kinds of people
To always behave themselves well
As for churches to carry a steeple
Or oysters to live in a shell;
But others are slower at seeing
The virtue of method and rule;
I wish I could truly help being
The worst girl in school.
Of course not a person believes me
Whenever I say, in sad mood,
How greatly my wickedness grieves me
And how I should like to be good.


But then my fibs are so disgusting;
No wonder their treatment is cool:
It 's grown an old story, this trusting
The worst girl in school.
And yet I form each good intention
In excellent faith, do I not?
But somehow I feel the prevention
Of something—it 's hard to tell what.
Perhaps of a wee impish fairy
That makes me her puppet and fool,
And laughs in her sleeve to see Mary
The worst girl in school.
It 's useless for teachers to drill me
With slaps and with lecturings now.
I cannot improve though they kill me;
I honestly do not know how.
Miss Dragon's grim face seems all sinew,
Miss Gorgonclaw glares like a ghoul;
But spite of hard looks I continue
The worst girl in school.
No doubt 't would be wiser than scold me
To kill such a living disgrace,
And set me where all could behold me,
Conspicuous in a glass case.
I might do some good as a warning
To other girls reckless of rule,


Seen ticketed thus every morning:—
“The Worst Girl in School.”