University of Virginia Library



Our shallop, long with tempest tried,
Floats calmly down life's tranquil tide;
Blue skies are laughing overhead,
The river sparkles in its bed;
The sunbeams from the waters glancing,
On the white canvas flashing glisten;
The small waves round our vessel dancing,
Melt and dissolve in silver foam,
And we, in our frail home,
To the charmed water-music listen.
We and our little children float,
Dreaming, in this enchanted boat:
A gentle and propitious gale,
Follows, and fills the snowy sail,
From spicy Southern wildernesses,
And thickets of acacia blowing,—
Where dewy morning's golden tresses,
Shine through the darkling purple gloom
And, loaded with perfume,
The sea of air is overflowing.
Great trees their branches overhead
Thrust forth, with flowers thick-garlanded;


And while our little bark we steer
Through the bright rosy atmosphere,
The thick leaves murmuringly quiver;
The golden sunlight, floating, flashes
On green isles jewelling the river,
On whose smooth, silver-sanded shore,
Foaming up evermore,
The current musically plashes.
But westward a dark, frowning cloud
Veils the bright river, like a shroud;
Where, wandering under unknown skies,
Its course is hidden from our eyes.
We only know that onward ever,
Lapsing with fluctuating motion,
The mighty and majestic river,
To where the sunset glories fade,
Through changing light and shade
Runs to Eternity's broad ocean.
Between what bleak and desert shores,
Down what harsh cataracts it pours,
Over what rocks and treacherous shoals,
The fretted river hoarsely rolls,
We know not: We are in God's keeping:
He loves and will protect us ever.


Now, while our little ones are sleeping,
Kneel we in earnest prayer to Him
To guide us through the dim
And unknown perils of Life's river.