University of Virginia Library

Light Mystifies Students

No night passed when the ghost
did not display his presence. The
most uncanny thing the ghost did
was to make a light travel around a
room even when the blinds were
closed and extra bed covers were
hung over the curtains.

According to the butler, the ghost
left silver and other valuables
untouched, but would always drink
up the whiskey and brandy from the
Moon decanter.

Though Judge Moon hated
publicity, the ghostly escapades at
his home made headlines throughout
the country. In fact, the story
became so famous that a drama
called "The Moon Ghost" was
playing to large audiences in
Richmond and elsewhere.

Finally, two years after the
annoyingly mysterious events first
began, they came to a sudden halt.
One day the family heard a shower of
pebbles on the front door. As the
judge opened the door, a long reed
flopped into the hall, on the end of
which was a note. Scrawled on the
cheap paper was: "Master Jack, I will
not pester you anymore. Jack