University of Virginia Library


Mr. McDonald does not see
United Ministry as pertaining
exclusively to students. "It is a
ministry to the University," he
says. "This includes
ministering to faculty and to
the administration also."

The aim of the organization
is not for all the churches
involved to unify together into
one church. Here the key word
is cooperation. United
Ministry works in terms of
each church cooperating in its
ministry. "It does its job when
it helps each congregation
become a more effective
University congregation," Mr.
McDonald states.

United Ministry works
primarily on the staff level.
The professional staffs of each
participating church cooperate
in planning and in developing
their church's personnel to do
the most effective job of
ministry that is possible. Mr.
McDonald points out that, in
addition to coordinating
ministries in a specific sense, as
the professional staffs
cooperate with each other
they help each other increase
their general knowledge of the
University, which also helps in
the development of an
effective campus ministry.