University of Virginia Library

Ladies And Gents

Dear Sir:

It was with a great deal of pride
to hear Virginia's Attorney General
decision, that you the Student
Body of U. Va. cannot ban the
"Stars and Bars'. Along this same
line of though [sic], I appeal to
you, let's take the ban off of
"Dixie". It concerns me, how you
would allow a small group of
students, the "Black Radicals", to
motivate you into such actions as
you have taken. As students of
U.Va., many of you are from other
states and other parts of the world.
If you would put forth as much
effort showing respect to the
beauty and tradition of the
University of Virginia, people in
Charlottesville and Albemarle
County would take a greater pride
in you, as our future leaders.

I must express to you my
heartfelt thanks, for the orderly
way you conducted yourself in the
demonstration against
"Expansion". I feel in this
matter you are right. This was one
giant step forward in proving you
can be ladies and gentlemen.

Miss Barbara D. Savage, College
2, did me a kind service by
answering my article in another
edition of The Cavalier Daily. Even
though she did not say anything
niece [sic] about me, I appreciate
her comments, and thank her for
her pity, of me. It has been a long
time, since anyone has had such
concern. Again, thank you Miss
Savage, keep up the good work, I
admire you for your spunk.

A. Warren Walton