University of Virginia Library

Wake Up America!

It is time for America to wake
up to this social problem and meet
it head to head. We must do away
with our archaic laws and
puritanical mores. In this time of
women's liberation, we must
liberate all women and allow them
to earn a decent living. Presently, if
two women were to meet at a
U.Va. Alumni reception and discuss
their life since college days, and one
of them were to mention that she
was working as a prostitute, the
other would be appalled. The day
when that attitude will change is
near. We must speed it up.

There are several benefits that
will be accrued if we are to legalize
prostitution. First, there is the
stopping of related diseases. Since
people are reluctant to divulge
exactly where they contracted one
of the sex related diseases, it is
impossible to calculate the number
of cases related to prostitution. In
the European countries that I have
travelled, in which prostitution was
legalized, the girls are inspected
once a week and the men are
inspected before leaving. This is not
the case in all instances, but if the
spirit of the law is obeyed, those
services are provided. The same is
true in Mexico.