University of Virginia Library

Initial Contact

These interview dates are
subject to change. Interviews can be
scheduled at the Placement Office
and must be scheduled at least one
week in advance of the prospective
employer's visit. An on-Grounds
interview should be considered an
initial contact interview between
the prospective employer and the
candidate and should not replace an
interview conducted in conjunction
with a candidate's visit to a
prospective employer.

There is no question about the
fact that the competition for
teaching positions in most fields is
going to be very keen during the
next several years. Understandably,
students will want to know in
which field they should prepare and
what their chances of placement
will be. Several recommendations
may be of help.

Be realistic: recognize how keen
the competition really is and,
therefore, talk with any school
recruiter who represents the kind of
school system which meets your
basic requirements. Accept the fact
that, although you may have done
student teaching in a senior high
school and prefer this level, more
jobs are available in junior high
schools. If you are an elementary
school candidate be prepared to
accept any grade level for which
you are trained.

In the event you have not been
offered a position by the summer
months, take time to write some
follow-up notes or make telephone
calls as a check to see if all
necessary papers have been received
by the school systems and to alert
them of your availability and
continued interest. Do not limit
yourself to just one or two
prestigious schools but be willing to
consider opportunities wherever the
need is most prevalent. In many
systems, over 50 per cent of the
vacancies do not occur until after
June 1 and may continue even into
late August.