University of Virginia Library

Dear Sir:

In another one of your more
childish attempts to appear liberal,
the C.D. has once again made a
grating and obnoxious statement.
As fashionable as it now is to be a
detractor of the South, labeling the
South as "an oppressive and
decadent culture" (See editorial
C.D. Sept. 28) is pushing this
pretension just a bit too far.

To refer to the song "Dixie" or
the Confederate flag as "racist" is a
sweeping and very naive
generalization. "Dixie" and the
"Stars and Bars" are simply
examples of regional pride, and to
condemn them as anything more
than that is simple blind prejudice.
Granted, prejudice and racism do
exist below the Mason-Dixon line,
and we are NOT defending any
examples of this, but to condemn
the entire region for this failing is as
offensive as any form of bigotry.

John David Epperly
Joseph M. DuRant
College 2