University of Virginia Library

Busing System

What solutions can we ofter? We
must begin by demanding a
comprehensive busing system to
begin immediately—by the
beginning of the week by the latest.
(Use money that has been slated for
the outrageous expenditure on
parking meters.) Demand a
cessation of all vehicular traffic on
the grounds immediately—parking
for lawn and range residents only
with restricted entry and exit
periods: all present roads to become
pedestrian thoroughfares.

All parking places reserved for
non-resident faculty-staff vehicles
in the central grounds to be closed
and sodded over-restore unto us
our Greek theatre'. Establish a
central parking area at University
Hall and thither transfer the
Security Police, that would under
the present system occupy
themselves with ticketing parking
violators, to provide maximum
protection for these vehicles from
possible vandalism and theft. We
must demand that large numbers of
suitable bicycle racks be erected and
that cycling as an alternative to
driving be whole-heartedly
encouraged by the administration
within limited restrictions to
protect the pedestrians. And
further we must demand that
capital investment must be
restricted to buildings constructed
to alleviate the present
overcrowding in academic and
living facilities and not to attract
greater numbers of future students.

Again, in these demands as in all
others, if we can not achieve what
we hold to be our rights in a
markedly swift fashion we must
force the pace ourselves. Where is
Bill Murdock of the 1956 car riot
fame when we need him?

The crisis is now. Our education
is at stake. Realize it or not we are
already to the wall. Cram or perish.

Now we shove back!