University of Virginia Library

That's Dangerous

"But if we ever hope to gain
national prominence in football..."

"That's just it. We're trying to
be something we're not.
And that's
dangerous. If we really, really tried,
we might mold ourselves into a
national football power in twenty
years or so, but the cost would be
too great, and I ain't talking about

"But we already have games
scheduled against Missouri and
Texas in future years."

"Damn fools. Waste of time and
energy for everybody. I'd rather see
us play Sweet Briar. We'd be sure to
win, and I'd bet my flask there'd
be a lot of interesting penalties. Did
I tell you about the night back in
'06 when I wore out the entire
senior class at Sweets?"

"No, but maybe some other
time. I know you must be tired

"I was until a second ago."

"Well, we thank you for sharing
some of your thoughts with us,
Crabby. You've lived a pretty
fantastic life. But, tell me, how
much of what you've said is the
honest-to-God truth?"

"Enough, my boy. Enough."