University of Virginia Library

Open Courts

Dear Sir:

Apparently the athletic department
has initiated a policy of apathy
regarding the tennis situation.

Since last summer, all the gates
to the Lady Astor tennis courts
have been locked. Consequently,
students have had to climb through
a hole in the fence in order to play
for almost an entire year. Finally,
after some outcries to the athletic
department, the gates were
reluctantly opened last week.
Ridiculous? That's not all.

The University has ten
composition courts. Five of these
courts are reserved almost
exclusively for the varsity tennis
team and are kept in good shape.
However, the other five which serve
the needs of the entire University
are kept as if someone was doing
construction work there.

Already an unbelievable scarcity
of tennis courts exists at the
University, but to put up with all
this other crap is too much to ask.
Come on Athletic Dept., wake up!

Jeff Fox
College 3