University of Virginia Library

CSA Offers Listeners, Referral

In order to meet a need in
Charlottesville for anonymous
counseling aid, Alpha Phi Omega,
the National Service Fraternity, in
cooperation with members of the
community, has established the
Community Switchboard
Association (CSA). CSA is manned
by volunteers from the University
and local High Schools, and
functions as a telephone counseling
and referral service for persons
needing a sympathetic listener.

The CSA volunteers do not give
specific medical, legal, or similar
professional advice on the
telephone, but are available to
suggest specific community sources
of aid for specific problems. Their
number is 295-3116. Hours are 6
p.m. to midnight.

Presently serving on the
Advisory Board to CSA are John D.
Bowen, Drewary J. Brown, Dr. Earl
Glossar, Hilton Hedrick, Dr.
Richard Garnett, and Dr. Gertrude
Neis. Volunteer listeners have been
carefully trained for four weeks by
responsible professionals.

Guidance Beyond Counselors

The project was begun to
provide a resource to students
seeking guidance beyond local
guidance counselors, ministers, and
parents. CSA hopes to determine
the extent and areas of most
student problems, and thus to help
expand the local resources

Volunteers are desperately
needed for summer. Any students
residing in the area this summer are
welcome to help. For those
interested, a new training session
will begin at 7 p.m. tonight in the
basement of St. Thomas Hall.