University of Virginia Library

Accusation No. 1: Cheating

The circumstances of this
accusation present the classic case
involving no legitimate University
interest contrasted with the
student's substantial interest in
continuing his education. The sole
purpose to be served by permitting
this Honor prosecution would be
the cultivation of gentlemanly
behavior and character training,
which, as we have seen, comprises
an area of endeavor foreclosed to
Committee disciplinary

Unless expulsion of 'A' for
cheating at cards would directly
fulfill a lawful concern of the
University, which it clearly would
not, there is no acceptable rationale
which can permit its exercise;
unless there has already been
misconduct affecting the
University's pursuits, there has been
no harm to the University's
processes. If student A has indeed
cheated, his punishment lies with
the civil or criminal law, if
applicable, or with the informal
sanctions his community may
impose. No balance need be struck
here, as the Honor Committee is
devoid of any legitimate interest or
responsibility in this matter.