University of Virginia Library

Dear Sir:

We, the members of the
University of Virginia Chapter of
the Black American Law Students
Association wish to express our
concern about the state of the
University's Afro-American Studies
Program. The absence of Blacks
from this university, in all but
subservient roles, for more than
one-hundred and fifty years has
resulted in the perpetuation of a
distorted image of Blacks. This
alone, absent the many other
reasons, evinces a compelling need
for an Afro-American Studies
Program at this university.

It this university is sincere in
establishing a progressive
Afro-American Studies Department
then more positive action on its
part is required. It is our opinion
that positive action includes
adequate financing, effective
organizational structure, and
competent personnel. Until such
time as the record shows that the
facts as stated by Mr. Baker (i.e. the
program is retrogressing,) are
different or otherwise we support
his position.

We urge this university to take
immediate action to implement an
effective Afro-American Studies
Program or dispense with its facade
of progressive liberalism.

The Black American
Law Students Association
School of Law